Our Founders

Mrs and Mr. Margarette & Desmond D’Abreo

World renowned development consultant Late Dr. Desmond D’Abreo established DEEDS, a voluntary organization, in 1977 in Chennai. He dreamt of a new society that was based on justice and believed that change can happen only from the grassroots level. The core purpose is to help the marginalized part of the society, improve their lives by becoming aware of their oppression on them, and setting their own development agenda.


Paralegal Resource groups

Building Paralegal Resource groups to address Women’s Rights Issues, Promoting Networks at the state level.

Legal Assistance / Legal Awareness

To provide legal assistance / create legal awareness about laws that pertaining to the day to day confrontation, oppression and injustice, faced by women.

Resource Centre

To Build up well-equipped resource centre for women groups which will impart necessary expertise for tackling gender issues.


To impart trainings on development issues to NGO’s / People groups, so as to build for bringing out effective change in society.


“To promote gender equality for marginalized communities for human development through education, research, training and networking with communities, civil societies and state institutions.”


“Towards a gender just, inclusive and humane society.”

A Video about Deeds