The Journey – Completing Successful Four Decades

- Training of individuals from NGOs to capacity building of NGOs, CBOs Govt. staff, and others for people centered, need based, development initiatives.
- Many development/training techniques which are commonly used today like participatory evaluation/ research, structural analysis, street theatre techniques were practiced, learnings were documented and published in the 80s itself.
- DEEDS maintained a documentation system, documenting news and views right from 1977 onwards, when print media was the main source of information, used mainly for training and to bring out newsletter comprising of the rich experiences of the organization. Today DEEDS brings out a women’s magazines on current gender issues. The resource centre is constantly bringing out IEC materials for training.
- Deeds joined hands with state Government in its total literacy programs in the state of Karnataka in the nineties. (Environment creation, Training of volunteers, Syllabus Formulation, Identification, Evaluation etc.)
- Education and environment work with Gowli tribal in North Kanara district of Karnataka and Koraga tribal in Coastal Districts of Karnataka.
- Mobilized marginalized communities for empowerment – Fisher folks, Beedi workers, Municipal corporation workers, HIV+ people etc.
- Promotion of SHGs and livelihood programs among women Beedi rollers from early 2000 onwards – Presently this is program is continued by women themselves.
- Training of SHGs promoted by NGOs, Government (Shree Shakti), Religious Bodies etc. on SHG Management, Women’s rights and other Socio-Political issues.
The Journey Continues..
Women’s empowerment Programs from 2000 onwards

From 2000 onwards DEEDS focus has been on empowerment of women. It started with mobilization and collectivization of women as mahila mandals, self-help groups and federations moving on to education and capacity building. Our work with women beedi rollers brought us face to face with the plight of women and the prevailing gender discrimination in the society. Our law background also helped us in guiding, the needy approaching Deeds for knowing law and claiming their rights.
- Campaign on Domestic Violence Law and Advocacy for its implementation throughout Karnataka.
- Legal aid Center to help women claim rights.
- Publication of IEC material on Law for Women.
- Formation of Women Trainers collective [Sanchalana] – As a part of gender mainstreaming efforts of DEEDS. Sanchalana today has a membership of 564 members. This is an independent self-reliant body functioning on women’s concern.
- They have identified 9 most vulnerable districts to create a force of paralegal facilitators.
- Creation of paralegal force to handle women’s issues in five districts of Karnataka State.
- Orientation to the Adolescent age group and their parents in collaboration with educational institutes in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district, is the successful achievement in the area of adolescent education.